Raiders sign former Saints OL Andrus Peat

The Raiders made a pretty sizable move Monday. They are adding potential starter to their offensive line in former Saints starting lineman Andrus Peat.

Peat was a three-time Pro Bowl guard (2018-20) for the Saints. Staying healthy for a full season has been an issue for him much of his career, never once playing in every game in a season.

But up until last season, he was a full time starter. The 30-year-old former college tackle has started 102 games over the past nine seasons in New Orleans. He was the team’s full time starting left guard up until last season when he started 11 games at left tackle.

He adds some solid competition to the Raiders line which started Dylan Parham at left guard the past two seasons and added former Bears guard Cody Whitehair along with Rimington Award winner Jackson Powers-Johnson in the second round of the draft.

Parham has played well at times, but his starting job is anything but assured. Whitehair was benched and cut this offseason. And Powers-Johnson is a guard for now, but a future starting center. So, this will be a lively competition.

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