Panthers’ Cam Newton issues intriguing challenge to David Tepper heading into 2024 season

As a Carolina Panthers great, Cam Newton wants to see the franchise be all it can be.

Cam Newton issues intriguing challenge to David Tepper heading into 2024 season
Cam Newton issues intriguing challenge to David Tepper heading into 2024 season

Under new team owner David Tepper, that hasn’t been the case. Carolina hasn’t made the playoffs since Tepper purchased the team. The hedge-fund billionaire has also been embroiled in fan-related scandals, like throwing a drink at watchers during the 2023 season.

Heading into the 2024 season, Newton has a challenge for Tepper that he thinks can make all the difference and turn the Panthers around – avoid drama.

“Look, I would challenge David Tepper to go this whole football season without getting in trouble,” Newton said on his 4th and 1 Show “That’s why I like him. He’s got some s— to him, but that ain’t it. That’s how you lose a fanbase.”

Already, it appears that Tepper is off to a strong start. The Panthers had a rather successful draft. During free agency, Carolina also landed two big bodies on the offensive line to keep second-year quarterback Bryce Young upright.

It is safe to say if the Panthers start winning, the mood around the fan base and Tepper’s likelihood of being involved in drama will dip significantly. Winning cures all wrongs, as the saying goes.

As for Newton’s challenge, nothing can get worse than the 2023 season. If Tepper doesn’t repeat that, it will undoubtedly be a win.

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