NFL reporter Colleen Wolfe apologizes after reporting Robert Saleh, Woody Johnson got into ‘very heated conversation’

New York Jets owner was not pleased with Colleen Wolfe of the NFL Network after she reported that there was a “heated argument” between him and head coach Robert Saleh at the NFL owners’ meetings on Tuesday. Wolfe apologized for the mistake on Thursday on her Twitter page.

NFL reporter Colleen Wolfe apologizes after reporting Robert Saleh, Woody Johnson got into ‘very heated conversation’

“Regarding my comments surrounding the Jets on the Around the NFL podcast; no, I was not at the Annual Meeting and yes, I was told of the exchange between head coach Robert Saleh & Woody Johnson by someone in attendance. Others on-site Sunday night have since reached out and described the interaction differently. My intent wasn’t to break news, I leave that to the insiders. My sincerest apologies to the Jets organization for the unnecessary distraction during such a crucial part of their offseason,” Wolfe wrote on Thursday evening on her Twitter account.

Colleen Wolfe description of the interaction between Saleh and Johnson

“At the owner’s meetings, there was a very heated conversation between Woody and Robert Saleh,” Wolfe said, “to the point where it was a little awkward.” It’s not clear why the two were going after each other as Wolfe added, “what were they arguing about?” Wolfe then said the incident happened at the party on Tuesday night.

“Maybe they were disagreeing on how they like their steak cooked,” Wolfe joked. “Doubt that, though.” Wolf then stressed that it was not an argument but just a “heated discussion.”

On3’s Brian Jones also contributed to this article.

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