Caleb Williams reveals the one BIG reason why the Bears are the perfect team for him

Caleb Williams details why he is looking forward to playing football in Chicago

Caleb Williams reveals the one BIG reason why the Bears are the perfect team for him

The consensus number-one overall pick Caleb Williams is the talk of the town. For good reason, Williams has dazzled scouts and NFL teams with his last two college football seasons.

Williams is one of the best prospects to enter the NFL draft in recent memory. Nearly Everything in his college tape points to Williams being a future NFL superstar. Caleb Williams is likely to be the Chicago Bears selection with the first overall pick. Thus, entering a new era of Bears football.

Caleb Williams sat down with Ryan Clark and the rest of The Pivot Podcast crew to discuss high school and college football. As well as Williams’ upcoming NFL career. Williams also talked about what he knows he can and will bring to the table as the quarterback of the Chicago Bears.

The hour long discussion between Williams and The Pivot crew shines a light on who Williams really is. The words come straight from Williams, there are no rumors or speculations. Its just some guys sitting down to talk about life and football. In the podcast, Williams shows intelligence, humility, humor, leadership, confidence, dedication, and passion.

Caleb Williams’ is authentically himself. There is no act, he isn’t fake. Some on the internet have called Williams “Hollywood,” he is far from that. He is true to himself and he wants to win football games. This podcast episode is a perfect example of that.

“I want a place that loves ball”

Perhaps the most exciting moment for Bears fans comes at the tail end of the podcast episode. The Podcast starts to wrap up with Ryan Clark asking Caleb Williams what he is looking forward to about Chicago.

Williams has a great response, explaining how he wants to play in a place that loves football. Chicago does indeed love football. And Williams is ready to be a part of it. Here is what the quarterback had to say:

“Now that I want to play in one place for 20 years, and chase one guy, number twelve, I want a place that loves ball. That’s all I have heard about Chicago so far, which is exciting for me because, LA was great, but there is probably double digits of teams here so its a big pool. You have to be winning championships, be playoffs every year to have the fans show up and things like that.”

Two big things in Williams quote, he wants to play in one place for his career, he wants to build a legacy. Second, he values and appreciates loyal fanbases. His comment about needing to win championships in Los Angeles is pointing at the cities fair weather nature. If the LA teams aren’t winning, people tend not to show up.

That is the opposite in Chicago, especially for the Bears. The Bears have one of the most loyal fanbases in the NFL, and Williams likes that. If he is going to put in all the work to win football games, he wants it to be for fans that will appreciate it as much as Bears fans will.

“Chicago’s a place that I’ve heard they love ball which is really exciting for me and something that I’m looking forward to embracing. Like I’ve said the fans, the community, are something that is huge. I mean go to COVID year, the impact they have when they are there or not there is huge. So having them there is going to be huge, making home games real home games.

I’m really excited that’s the place and that’s the city to, light up and bring back and revive. And make gamedays really really fun and enjoyable.”

Williams knows what a huge football market Chicago is. And he is up to the challenge of putting the Bears back on the map as a powerhouse.

You can watch and or listen to the full one-hour episode of The Pivot Podcast featuring Caleb Williams below.

Final takeaways

Caleb Williams is ready to embrace Chicago, in fact he is already doing so. He is up for the challenge and is excited to get to work. If he gets on the field and shows that he will be a legit NFL quarterback of the future, the city will rally behind him. Being overtly cautious of a new Bears QB is only fair. The history of Bears QB’s is dim and disheartening at times.

Williams is a shining star, the kid loves football and he wants to win. This podcast episode shines a light on the real Caleb Williams. He has faced adversity in his football journey, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. His passion and work ethic have pushed him over those hurdles, making him a stronger player and person.

The Bears can add Williams to their roster this coming Thursday  afternoon. Then the real trials begin. Williams will quickly start to show the NFL world what he can really do. A new era of Chicago Bears football is here, and it seems to be in good hands.

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