Broncos head coach Sean Payton tries to make it seem like their situation is much better than what it is

With everything the Denver Broncos have done in the last eight years, especially the last two years, it’s safe to say they are a team that needs direction. They have either been really bad or been in the middle of the pack that stays out of the playoffs. It’s time to change that, and I think the franchise and fan base would agree with that statement.

Broncos head coach Sean Payton tries to make it seem like their situation is much better than what it is

However, they aren’t near changing that and won’t be for a while. The current cap hit from the Russell Wilson contract will make it hard for them to do anything financially. And, not to mention, because of that whole situation, and on top of the loss, they aren’t a very big free agency destination.

Sure, they have the history and great ownership, but there is no real reason for a player to go to the Broncos now outside of a contract that may be an overpay. However, head coach Sean Payton feels differently.

“We’re a place that other quarterbacks would like to come to,” Sean Payton said during the Annual League Meetings.

I have been pretty harsh on Payton, but to his credit, he has deserved it. Either he is trying to downplay their situation and make it seem not as bad, or he has no clue what the public thinks of him. After the whole situation with Wilson and trying to make him remove an injury clause, and then benching him when he was actually the reason the Broncos were winning some of the games they were, it is not a good look.

If they were a place other quarterbacks wanted to play, they would have more than just Jarrett Stidham on the roster, who was on contract last season. I get Payton kind of has to say these things, but he has already made himself look bad as of late, and this certainly does not help anything, either.

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