Seahawks ‘have a vision’ for what they’re planning at quarterback

The Seattle Seahawks recently announced quarterback Geno Smith would be on the roster for the 2024 season. Smith and the Seattle organization made moves to ensure he would receive his money. Now, they have openly committed to Smith being the starter when the fall rolls around.

At least, for this upcoming season.

The NFL Scouting Combine is underway in Indianapolis this weekend, and Seahawks general manager John Schneider spoke with the media regarding the game’s most important position. Schneider did confirm Smith will be the starter, but then went on to say the team has a vision for the position.

What the vision is remains to be seen. We know as of now, the Seahawks have spoken with Michigan quarterback JJ McCarthy at the combine. Interestingly, they have not had an interview with University of Washington signal caller Michael Penix Jr.

We are entering into a fascinating few months for the Seattle Seahawks. For the first time in 14 years, we do not know what to expect. John Schneider is in full control, and he has a brand new head coach to work with. But whatever may be, Schneider and Seahawks brass has certainly earned a little benefit of the doubt moving forward.

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