Kansas City Chiefs planning massive changes to drastically alter team’s perception

The NFLPA scouting reports recently came out, revealing the Kansas City Chiefs as one of the worst-run organizations in the NFL. Coming off back-to-back Super Bowl victories, one would think all is well within the Chiefs’ organization, but players reportedly felt differently.

Despite their success, the Chiefs ranked 31st out of 32 NFL franchises, with their facilities drawing especially poor reviews from their players.

Kansas City Chiefs

When it came to grading the locker room, the Chiefs received an ‘F.’ The same was true for the training room, where they ‘earned’ a D grade.

But now, the Chiefs are planning to make major changes that should help improve their standing in at least a few categories.

Kansas City Chiefs target $800M Arrowhead Stadium renovation

Arrowhead Stadium at GEHA Field was built back in 1972. It’s been home to the Kansas City Chiefs ever since. Yet, the organization has heard your complaints, and now they’re trying to do something about it.

A $375 million renovation was completed from 2007 to 2010, but now it’s time for more upgrades for Chief Kingdom.

According to the Associated Press, the Chiefs are planning an $800 million renovation to Arrowhead Stadium, but the construction project wouldn’t begin until after the 2026 World Cup takes place.

The Hunt family, which owns the Chiefs, is expected to contribute $300 million toward the renovation project, which includes a 360-degree upper concourse designed for an easier path around the stadium. But that’s not all. Every aspect of the stadium is expected to be addressed during the proposed $800M renovation.

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